Saturday, April 4, 2009

Too Busy to Blog

Time is going fast and even though I live alone I have been invited for supper a few times,which helps. I was excited this Sat am bec I had electricity and didn't have to bathe by candlelight---so I also washed my clothes in the bathtub----what did people do before soap? IT is very rewarding to see all that dirt and dust come out of my clothes.
Soon electricity went off and I was reading by candlelight at noon bec this house has so little natural light.
Exciting News!! It just started raining ----haven't had any since Nov. A driver said he has to drive 30 min each am to get water from his pastor bec his well had dried up. Hope this settles the dust---locals say one rain is worse than none bec it isn't enough to get rid of the dust---just makes it humid.
Looking for a good investment? A doctor I work with needs a capital partner to expand his hospital which he owns. The banks don't make those loans so he asked if I knew of any organization or person who would like to partner with him. This will offer state of the art medical care and testing. He only needs $500,000. Give me your name before I leave so you don't miss out on this opportunity !!
I was invited to go with a group of Americans on an outreach. A Christian group here in Jos reaches out to street people, blind people and the poor. Instead of going to the Blind Town as planned the men went to "Bad Boys" which is a slum area where alot of alcoholics and drug dealers hang out and make their brew---Goscola. The plan was to minister to them and the Jos Christian leader of the outreach group then had us hand out Christian tracts, tell them about Jesus and pray for and with them. I had a hard time not laughing at these events----most of the people I approached wanted the pretty blue tracts and were quite enebriated sp? with slurred speech and rambled on and on about the fact they knew Jesus but what they said didn't make much sense. One wanted me to pray that he would pass his secondary school exam. He had his alcohol problem for many years. The image of these tin shacks, the brewing of the goskola , all the smoke from the charcoal fires, the dirt and the drunks will not be forgotten.
Who knows? Maybe people are more receptive to the gospel when they are a little "tipsy"?With that in mind Jim Linden will be having a revival meeting April 24 when I get back with his goskola!!
Actually this outreach group does sponsor an Alcoholics Anononymous group for these people which is prob the most effective way to approach their problems.
Last Sat, 1 week ago, I sponsored a trip where 6 of us went to Yankari Game Reserve. I mean't pay for part of it ,but ended up with 90% of the bill through some miscommunication and assumption by them of me "sponsoring " which means paying for it. We were to leave at 6:30 am No one was there then so I had to go wake up the driver and then heard alot of excuses from the older staff docs from Evangel Hosp that they couldn't go. Then I was told that housestaff docs wanted to go but they had to tidy up or finish rounds, but they would be there soon. By Nigerian time this meant that we didn't leave till 8:20 and the driver then felt he had to go 140km or 90 mph in this old peugot. We saw some Wildebeest, baboons which are relentless pests, warthogs and distant elephants. The hot springs were the best. Thankfully we made it home safely. Sorry if I already reported this.
All for now,

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